Invest in Sustainable Change and Global Development
Investing in this village project offers a life-changing opportunity for you to witness profound transformations. Concrete results demonstrate the lasting impact on individuals, their families, and the broader community. By engaging in this thoughtful and proven initiative, you will contribute to sustainable economic and social change, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals.
This partnership with Hand in Hand is an opportunity to contribute to a better world, take greater responsibility for global development, and give struggling people a chance at a better life. The investment for a village project is 420,000 SEK.
Together, we are helping to change the world, ensuring that the positive effects endure through the involvement of local authorities and the empowerment of the community!
Transforming Lives in Bihar: Tackling Multidimensional Poverty through Comprehensive Interventions
India’s multidimensional poverty has come down to 11.28% in 2022-23. This means about 250 Million people moved out of multidimensional poverty in the country, according to a NITI Aayog (the policy think tank of the Govt. of India, mandated to achieve sustainable development and inclusive growth) report.
However, one in every three persons in Bihar is multi-dimensionally poor. Bihar has consistently struggled with high joblessness and the highest dependency ratio (the proportion of dependents to the total working-age population) in the country.
Furthermore, the economy development is very slow. The gender equality and status of women is one of the worse in Bihar. The village we are planning to intervene is part of the poorest Districts in Bihar and will work on all the aspects of livelihood, health, education, and gender equality.